Wednesday, November 20, 2013

4th of July 2013

We had a wonderful time in Idaho Falls for the 4th of July.  We watched the parade that morning with our cousins.  It was hard not to see my dad march with the band as he had done every July for the past 31 years. 
 After the parade we went to Uncle Bruce's house for the annual Roberts pic-nic.  They were so kind to invite my mom and Grandpa too.  The kids had a blast playing in their amazing playhouse.  And...(drum roll...)... Caysja lost her FIRST TOOTH!!!  Her cousin Adria pulled it out!  She was soooo happy to have finally lost a tooth.  That afternoon we got to spend some time with our good friends, Ryan and Heather Inns.  That night we watched the fireworks with Caleb's family.  There was an issue with them, however, and they were delayed about 90 min.  Caleb ended up having to leave to go back to UT so he missed them completely.  The kids fell asleep on the grass waiting for them.

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