Thursday, January 17, 2013

Crew's 4th Birthday

For Crew's birthday this year, he said he wanted a "pirate party" so that's what we did!  My mom was able to come down that weekend for it. 

 Ever since Caysja's birthday, Crew has been waiting and waiting for Caleb to make him a pinata too!  He wanted a "sword"(he is very into guns and swords lately).  Caleb did an AWESOME job and Crew loved it!!

 The pirates
 playing "pin the pirate flag on the pirate ship"


  1. looks like caleb is going to be making pinatas the rest of his life! He does a really good job though-- I am impressed! Happy birthday to crew! what a cute little pirate!

  2. Very impressed by the pinatas! If Caleb isn't careful, he's going to have all the primary kids telling their parents they need to buy one from him for THEIR birthday parties! I can't get over how big Capri is shouldn't surprise me, her being relatively close in age to Natalie and all, but I guess when you don't see kids regularly, even a month going by can seem like a huge difference!
